/ 28 June 2024

Uniq Finishing School elevates your elegance, professionalism and poise

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Enhance your confidence, your social skills and the success of your business

At six years old, I sat sprawled on the rug when mom’s voice boomed: “Sit up straight and close your legs; you’re wearing a dress!” The sudden command left me confused. I didn’t understand why my posture or legs mattered when I wore a dress.

Mothers have a knack for imparting essential social graces, often through direct instructions rather than elaborate explanations. Directives such as “chew with your mouth closed!” or “don’t speak with food in your mouth!” may initially leave us bewildered. However, these seemingly blunt pronouncements gradually instil the necessary social etiquette, even if the learning process isn’t always straightforward.

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Somehow, time steals from our behaviours, and we often don’t consciously think about how we conduct ourselves or the image we’re presenting to the world. Etiquette and social graces have a profound impact on how others perceive us. It’s about more than just appearances: imagine meeting someone undeniably attractive, someone who initially captures your attention. But then, during the conversation, they pick their nose. Suddenly, that initial attraction might diminish. It’s a reminder that good manners and social awareness are vital parts of making a positive impression. While physical attractiveness draws us in initially, etiquette fosters genuine connection and respect.

In today’s interconnected world, the nuances of etiquette are more relevant than ever. These skills transcend basic manners, encompassing a broad spectrum of social, professional, and personal behaviours that collectively contribute to an individual’s success and wellbeing.

Etiquette refers to the conventional norms and rules governing polite behaviour in society. It includes everything from table manners and conversational skills to professional conduct and digital etiquette.

Understanding and practising good etiquette is crucial for building and maintaining relationships, fostering respect, and navigating various social situations easily. Finishing involves refining personal, social, and professional skills to achieve a polished and sophisticated demeanour. 

This includes personal grooming, style, communication abilities, and cultural awareness. Finishing helps individuals present themselves confidently and competently in any scenario.

The Uniq Finishing School’s mantra elevates your elegance, professionalism and poise, but the foundation of the business, the essence of why it was built is simple: the three C’s of competence, confidence and communication.

Mastering etiquette and finishing boosts personal confidence. When individuals know how to present themselves well and handle various social situations, they feel more self-assured. This confidence can lead to greater opportunities and a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Understanding etiquette and the art of finishing is more than just knowing which fork to use at a dinner party. These skills are integral to personal and professional success, fostering respectful and effective interactions across various contexts. In a world where first impressions matter and cultural boundaries are increasingly blurred, the ability to navigate social norms with grace and sophistication is invaluable.

The benefits of etiquette and the art of finishing include enhanced personal development, enhanced social skills and building relationships, enhanced cultural awareness and of course professional success. It’s important to remember that etiquette is not about rigid rules or creating a fake persona.

Investing in etiquette and finishing education is an investment;  it’s taking responsibility for your personal brand, your development, enhanced confidence and success.