To help calm your mind, you may wish to try meditation, herbal oils or listening to some binaural beats Thanks to the relentless pace of modern living, stress often feels utterly impossible to avoid. How can you ever manage to relax when prices for consumer goods are at an all-time high? How can you find […]
Today is World Yoga Day, here are different types of yoga practices that work for different people
Dr Zolelwa Sifumba went from being a frontline healthcare worker to stepping back from clinical work. She speaks to Elna Schütz about her shift into more open spaces
This process enables people in a dispute to have control over their own destiny and find solutions that fit their lifestyle and situations
A visit to Japanese art island Chichu is both a meditation and an education
Scientists studied soldiers with PTSD and even children who’d witnessed a great tragedy. Did they unlock the secrets of resilience?
Can children be made more psychologically ‘resilient’ to traumas?
Meditation offers unexplored possibilities for behaviour control, writes Charmaine Smith.
While visiting a variety of spiritual retreats Cat Pritchard puts her body to the test and discovers that mental flexibility is also required.
New research has shown that the ‘practice of mindfulness meditation’ can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Meditation apparently works wonders for anger, anxiety and depression. But could it rid <em>Tanya Gold</em> of her Incredible Hulk-like rages?
Missing out on right-brain activity results in too much thinking going on and not enough feeling. Too much frantic doing, not enough being.
People are increasingly adopting yoga and meditation to lead a more balanced life, writes Bhavini Kalan Maharaj.