Press Releases – The Mail & Guardian Africa's better future Tue, 10 Sep 2024 10:15:21 +0000 en-ZA hourly 1 Press Releases – The Mail & Guardian 32 32 Bay property development roundtable for Bay inner city Tue, 10 Sep 2024 10:15:09 +0000 By Anele Qaba, MBDA Chief Executive Officer

A study published in 2019 by authors Heinz and Neil Klug through Wits University on Community Land Trusts and Inclusion reveal insights to the issues that lead to a state of bad buildings in cities like Nelson Mandela Bay. 

In the study, the authors imply that abandoned and illegally occupied buildings are a usual feature of run-down and declining urban spaces, perpetuating the downward spiral. Often referred to as ‘bad” buildings, they reflect multiple failures, including outdatedness and declining property values that negatively affect property owners, leading to reduced maintenance of buildings, and often resulting in exploitative landlord–tenant relationships contributing to the further decline of the urban spaces.

The authors also allude to the decline by broader trends, such urban migration, population shifts and resulting capital flight, in South Africa attributed to political changes and ‘white flight’ based on racial prejudice pre- and post-1994. 

Although the circumstances leading to the ultimate abandonment of properties by their owners vary widely, urban planning solutions fall into the sphere of urban regeneration, a task the MBDA is geared for, and has been championing since establishment. 

No one can argue that gains that were made in the early days of the entity had been reversed through several regrettable decisions and actions. Instead of pointing fingers, we recently committed ourselves to become part of the solution by leading rejuvenation initiatives, including the purchasing of properties in mandate areas so we can walk the talk. 

In addition, we recently established a new model for keeping our inner cities clean as a top up service with 220 recruits, and that programme is bearing fruit judging by feedback from stakeholders.

To complement the cleansing programme, we recently rolled out a network of surveillance cameras to detect and combat crime in the inner city and beach front, doing so as part of a collective with business-supported SRA programmes. The installation of CCTV cameras has enabled the restoration of other related infrastructure such as traffic lights. In Central and in partnership with Munelek, the installation of cameras has enabled the electrification of much-needed traffic lights in Rink Street, Russel Road, and others. These gains are due to the mutual benefit accrued through collaboration. 

We are now at the final stages of installing a satellite CCTV monitoring room at the MBDA premises to improve security response rates in combating crime in the inner cities.

What remains a sore point is the state of bad buildings dotted across the inner city. These bad buildings are an eyesore, daily contributing to the degradation of the inner city, and urgent solutions are needed. 

One tool that is available to local government is the enforcement of the existing bad building bylaws. Enforcement alone will not yield results, what the city needs is a common vision, a single plan of action and drive from all key stakeholders to get on board. The reality is that government at various levels also owns bad properties either through entities, parastatals or through abandonment. Private property players own an equally sizeable chunk of these bad buildings.

The prevalence of bad buildings or absent owners also induces another social challenge, such as elevated levels of homeless people sheltering inside or outside these abandoned properties. The mushrooming of homeless citizens found on pavements across central and the inner city is heartbreaking and harmful to the social fabric of the city. These vulnerable citizens become easy prey for drug peddlers, illicit trade, and exploited to commit rampant vandalism. 

The MBDA, though with a sole property in the inner city, is stepping forward to be part of the solution. We will in October convene a property development roundtable with all key role players. The objective of the roundtable is to co-develop a road map to dealing with bad buildings in the inner cities of Nelson Mandela Bay.

We are extending this invitation to all property owners, property management entities, rental agents, non-governmental organisations, local government and other national entities to come and craft solutions. 

The time for blame is behind us; we are collectively losing much-needed tourism revenue due to declining visits because of the state of our inner-city properties. These bad buildings are not only affecting the tourism industry, but education institutions are also losing potential students, the municipality is losing valuable revenue that would otherwise go towards service delivery, and jobs are shed when small businesses close due to untenable trading conditions.

It is our intention that the property development roundtable will make credible resolutions and recommendations that the MBDA will champion through the relevant governance structures. We have seen how change is possible when business and civil society come together, whether in clusters or special rating areas; however for the change to last, we require long-term solutions, not temporary fixes. We require tangible commitments from those who have the authority to get things done. 

For Nelson Mandela Bay to thrive, the inner city must come alive and be an attractive place to live, work and play in a safe and clean environment, and until we achieve that goal, we will remain a city of unfulfilled opportunities. The property development round table discussion scheduled for October is the kickstart platform for all role players to have a say. To secure participation, stakeholders can contact us via and we will add them to a database of invitees.

The original article was first published by The Herald, 6 September 2024.

Your security matters: iFX Brokers fraud awareness statement Thu, 05 Sep 2024 09:24:38 +0000 An impersonation and fraudulent activities alert has been issued by iFX Brokers Holdings.

iFX Brokers Holdings (“iFX”), a leading licensed OTC derivative provider and authorised financial services provider, has become aware of fraudulent activities involving unauthorised and unknown individuals impersonating iFX and certain of our executive board members and misappropriating parts of our brand identity, including the use of photographs of members of our executive board.

We have identified fraudulent activities occurring on platforms such as Telegram, where several scam profiles have been detected at the time of this release. The impostors have been posing as iFX’s CEO, Hannele de Necker, and representatives of iFX requesting individuals to deposit funds directly into digital wallets.

What you need to know

“For absolute clarity, as the CEO of iFX, I affirm that neither myself nor any individual associated with iFX operates any investment or earning platforms, whether online or onsite. We emphatically state that we do not solicit nor accept money from anyone for investments or participation in trading activities on any social media platform. The individuals behind this scam are pretending to represent iFX to deceive the public. They may use our name and branding to gain trust, but they are not affiliated with us in any way.”

What we have done

We have taken the following proactive and post-incident measures:

  • We have opened a docket with the South African Police Services.
  • We have notified both the Information Regulator and the Financial Sector Conduct Authority.
  • We are posting this alert on our website and our active social media handles/profiles.

Our official communication channels

Please note that our official commination channels are limited only to the following listed communication channels:



Telephone number: (+27) 879 44 7273

Remember, we will never ask our clients for investments or participation in trading activities on any social media platform, and we will never ask our clients to send cash transactions or transfer money to a ‘wallet’. Only contact us on our official communication channels, which is stated above.


iFX, as well as any affiliated individuals, disclaim all responsibilities and liabilities for damages arising from the use of, reference to, or reliance on any information contained on Telegram or other social media platforms associated with these impostors.

We urge our clients to remain vigilant and exercise caution. Engaging with these fraudulent platforms or any materials promoted by these impostors may cause you to suffer financial losses.

MBDA welcomes new staff to bolster capacity and delivery Tue, 03 Sep 2024 09:53:00 +0000 Visit Mandela Bay Development press office

On 2 September 2024, the MBDA welcomed two new senior staffers in line with the entity’s strategy and structure. Tembela Bacela, a seasoned public sector Internal Auditor, has a BCom in Accounting and an Honour’s degree in Monitoring and Evaluation. Bacela has 18 years’ experience, starting out in Internal Audit in the Office of the Premier, Eastern Cape Government, and later pursued performance management and monitoring at various municipalities; she joins the MBDA as its first Internal Audit, Risk and Compliance Manager.

“Bacela’s appointment is to strengthen the agency’s controls and processes that are geared at improving our audit outcomes and operational efficiencies. Her experience in organisational performance improvement will be key to meet our lofty goals of achieving near 100% KPI performance in the next three years,” says MBDA CEO, Anele Qaba.

Re-joining the entity after several years working at national government is Isabel Vumazonke, qualified with a BTech in Construction Management; she re-joins the MBDA as a Special Projects Manager. Vumazonke has 16 years’ project management experience, including four years at the MBDA and more than six years at national government departments, where she headed up special programmes and projects.

“I am pleased to welcome back Isabel to the MBDA as it shows that the MBDA is on a resurgence and can attract top talent back to the Bay. Bela has a huge task ahead, that of driving the entity’s Special Projects as a revenue and sustainability initiative,” concluded Qaba.

The two appointments follow a comprehensive two-phased recruitment drive to fill vacant posts and is guided by the MBDA’s Recruitment, Selection and Promotion policy.

Issued by MBDA Spokesperson and Corporate Services Executive, Luvuyo Bangazi. | | Tel. (+27) 41 811 8200

Virtual reality laboratory bridges gap between psychology, technology Tue, 03 Sep 2024 06:42:30 +0000 Visit North West University press office

The pursuit of greatness without boundaries by the North-West University (NWU) has just had an innovative technological boost with the launch of its virtual reality (VR) simulation laboratory at the Faculty of Health Sciences on 23 August.

Research and teaching and learning have never been more fun: the laboratory offers immersive experiences that not only stimulate the intellect, but also invigorate the senses as it breaks down physical boundaries to open a world of virtual possibilities. Just imagine dodging balls while playing rugby, deconstructing the human body to discover the hidden aspects of its anatomy, conducting patient assessments and interventions, and many other scenarios – all in one room.

“What’s more, it will make a significant contribution to researchers’ quest to bring about impactful change in the lives of communities, as it will provide valuable data for research and interventions,” says Prof Daryl Balia, deputy vice-chancellor for Information Technology and Campus Operations (Potchefstroom Campus).

The simulation lab, which is the brainchild of a passionate young researcher, Neville Robertson, is hailed as the first in South Africa for psychology and social work. It promises to be an innovative research hub for these and other fields of study at the university.

A leap forward in using technology in psychology and social work

Housed in the Community Psychosocial Research Unit (Compres) on the Potchefstroom Campus, the laboratory is impressively equipped. It has everything from VR headsets and a VR-linked treadmill, motion capture cameras and Loco sensors to tailor-made software to assist researchers with data collection.

Prof Retha Bloem, research director of Compres, says the laboratory has special significance for researchers working in communities, as it prepares them for real-life conditions and scenarios. “We want to tackle challenges and see how we can embrace technology to co-create the Africa we want. We believe we are the first university in South Africa to host a facility with this state-of-the-art equipment. We are very proud of and excited about it.”

“This laboratory represents not just a leap forward in technology, but a profound commitment to research, innovation and the future of social sciences and healthcare,” says Prof Jeanetta du Plessis, deputy dean for Research and Innovation in the Faculty of Health Sciences.

She explains that research is the foundation on which the laboratory was built, and it is key to unlocking its full potential. “Through rigorous inquiry, experimentation and collaboration, it will aid us in discovering new ways to improve mental healthcare, to train our students more effectively and to make a lasting impact on the communities we serve.”

Prof Awie Kotze, executive dean for the Faculty of Health Sciences, says the laboratory underscores the NWU’s obligation to embrace technology as it meets the deeply human fields of psychology and social work on a highly innovative level.

“Today marks a significant step forward for the NWU and the entire landscape of social science and healthcare in the Faculty of Health Sciences. Traditionally, psychology and social work have been fields grounded in human interaction – face-to-face communication, body language and the subtle art of empathy. However, as our world evolves, so too must our approaches. Digital technology has reshaped our understanding of human behaviour, providing us with new tools to study, intervene with and support individuals in previously unimaginable ways. This virtual reality simulation is a prime example of this evolution.”

VR simulation laboratory is a dream come true for young researcher

The laboratory is the realisation of a dream for Robertson, who, as part of his PhD studies, investigated ways to use technology to change the face of psychological interventions through the power of virtual reality.

“I realised that there was no foundation in this regard for researchers who want to use technology in this way. I spoke to Prof Retha, who was my mentor. We concluded that it was a great opportunity to establish something that will also benefit researchers and research in future.”

Robertson says the laboratory’s most important impact is that it will give post-graduate students in particular the opportunity to have virtual practise sessions before entering the field of real-life situations and interventions. “Through this, we can make learning through experiencing more accessible to students.”

He envisages that psychology and social work students will not be the only users of the laboratory. “It is a great opportunity for, say, pharmacy students who want to experience working with chemicals before actually doing it; for nursing students who want to familiarise themselves with the different aspects of hospitals; or for engineering students who want to tour a factory, for instance.

“The possibilities are endless,” he concludes.

∙ Follow the link to the article in English here:

∙ Volg die skakel vir die artikel in Afrikaans hier:

∙ For more information on the VR simulation lab, Neville Robertson can be contacted at

Medshield vs competitors: How to find the best medical aid for your needs Fri, 16 Aug 2024 06:38:19 +0000 It can be quite overwhelming to choose the right medical aid with so many options to consider. Medshield is a standout option when it comes to choosing a reputable medical aid scheme.

Medshield offers a variety of plans that are designed to meet a wide range of needs. So, what makes Medshield stand out from the competition and how can you figure out if Medshield is the right choice for you? It’s important to have a good grasp of the distinctive features and advantages of Medshield in comparison to other medical aids. This knowledge will empower you to make a well-informed decision.

Comprehensive coverage options

One of the defining strengths of Medshield is its comprehensive coverage options. Whether you’re a young individual just starting out, a growing family or someone looking for extensive cover in your later years, Medshield offers plans for every stage of life.

Unlike some competitors who may provide a more one-size-fits-all approach, Medshield recognises the diverse needs of its members. Its plans range from hospital-only coverage to more extensive options that include day-to-day benefits, chronic illness management and even preventive care.

This flexibility allows you to choose a plan that aligns closely with your health needs and financial situation.

Focus on preventive care

Another differentiator for Medshield Medical Aid is its strong emphasis on preventive care. Understanding that health is not just about treating illnesses but also about preventing them, Medshield has integrated various wellness benefits into its plans.

This includes access to screenings, various vaccinations and health assessments that help members maintain their well-being and catch potential issues early on. Preventive care can lead to better long-term health outcomes, and Medshield’s commitment to this area reflects a forward-thinking approach that some competitors might overlook.

Chronic disease management

For those dealing with chronic conditions, Medshield’s extensive chronic disease management programmes are a significant advantage. The medical aid offers comprehensive cover for a wide range of chronic conditions so members receive the necessary medication, consultations and monitoring.

What sets Medshield apart is its personalised approach to chronic care, which includes regular check-ins and customised support to help members manage their conditions effectively.

This level of care is essential for those with long-term health challenges, providing peace of mind that their health needs are met without compromise.

Affordability and value for money

In a market where medical aid costs can quickly escalate, Medshield’s commitment to affordability is noteworthy. While it offers premium services, its plans are competitively priced, providing excellent value for money.

Medshield’s focus on affordability does not come at the expense of quality care; rather, the company strives to balance the two, so members receive the best possible care at a price they can afford. This approach makes Medshield an appealing option for those who want comprehensive cover without the excessive price tags often associated with premium medical aids.

Member-centric services

Medshield’s member-centric approach is another area where it excels. Understanding that navigating medical aid can sometimes be complex, Medshield offers a range of member services designed to make the experience as smooth as possible.

This includes easy-to-use digital platforms for claims and information, as well as customer support that is readily available to assist with any queries. This focus on the member experience helps set Medshield apart from other providers, making it easier for members to manage their health and get the support they need when they need it.


While the competition in the medical aid market is fierce, Medshield’s unique approach means members receive quality care for their individual needs. By carefully considering these differentiating factors, you can make an informed decision that will support your health and well-being for years to come.

Navigating financial security as part of the Sandwich Generation Thu, 15 Aug 2024 04:17:58 +0000 By Tiffany Havinga, Financial Planning Specialist at Chartered Wealth Solutions

Are you juggling the responsibilities of supporting your parents, adult children and possibly even grandchildren? If so, you might be part of the Sandwich Generation. In my financial planning conversations with clients, this balancing act comes up in at least 35% of our meetings, reflecting a growing trend. According to the Old Mutual Savings and Investment Monitor research report, the “Sandwich Generation” increased from 39% in 2022 to 43% in 2023.

While having your children, their children and parents living with you can be incredibly rewarding, the responsibility can be overwhelming. Balancing financial resources, time and emotional energy while planning for your own secure future can seem nearly impossible.

Ask yourself:

  • Can you afford to support children who should be supporting themselves?
  • How does this affect your retirement savings?
  • Would you need to cut funds available for your own medical care and living expenses as a result?
  • What is the long-term impact of the permanent loss of capital and compound interest from a drawdown?
  • Will your adult children be able to support themselves if something happens to you?
  • Will you eventually need your adult children to look after you?

The impact of enabling dependency

It’s important to consider that you may not be helping your adult children by enabling them to rely on you for financial support. They miss out on building their own income and learning crucial life skills, and their dependency can erode their confidence and hinder their ability to re-enter the workforce. Striking a balance between offering support and encouraging independence is essential. Continually supporting your adult children can perpetuate a cycle of dependency, which isn’t beneficial for anyone involved.

Tips to manage the delicate balance

When it comes to your children:

1. Encourage responsibility and accountability

Teach your children the importance of responsibility and accountability. Encourage them to find work, whether part-time or not, in their preferred field. Any contribution they make towards the household helps build their confidence and reduces your financial burden.

2. Support beyond finances

Offer assistance with job applications, help improve their CVs and pay for coaching or psychological support. Enrol them in courses or connect them with financial planners or business coaches. Brainstorming creative income ideas together can be particularly beneficial. Some ideas my clients have successfully implemented include teaching English as a foreign language, house-sitting, pet-sitting, participating in online surveys, creating digital products (e-books, online courses, presentations), engaging in affiliate marketing, earning royalties from intellectual properties (books, music, patents, graphic designs) and renting out equipment or property (eg, cameras, drones, parking spaces).

3. Set boundaries

If your children return home temporarily to reset their lives, that’s understandable. But if this becomes a recurring pattern, you may be enabling them never to manage their own money. Think about putting boundaries in place to protect your financial security. Teach your children about money management, involve them in financial conversations and set a date when financial aid will stop.

4. Involve children in money conversations

It’s never too early to start speaking to your children about money and teaching them the skills needed for future financial independence. Discussing money openly can demystify money management and encourage responsible financial behaviour.

5. Encourage and celebrate failure

Children need to fail to learn, grow and develop. Let them navigate challenges and find solutions independently. Celebrate their efforts and resilience. Consider asking your financial planner to meet with them and work out a plan. Failure can be a powerful teacher.

When it comes to your elderly parents:

6. Support your elderly parents early

Consider supporting your elderly parents before their money is depleted. Parents are living longer, and in many cases, their funds run out before they pass away, leaving you with the financial burden of looking after them. By contributing a smaller amount early on, you can help extend the lifespan of their retirement investments, delaying the need for more substantial financial support later.

7. Research and compare retirement care options

Many retirees are determined never to move into a retirement estate, often preferring live-in carers. Carers are expensive, and this cost burden eventually gets transferred to their children. Make time to research the costs of retirement or community care homes versus the cost of a live-in carer for yourself and your elderly parents. Consider long-term benefits and make informed decisions.

Being part of the Sandwich Generation is undoubtedly challenging, but finding a balance that supports your loved ones while securing your financial future is possible. While caring for your children and elderly parents may be extremely rewarding, you must make informed decisions. You don’t want your children to eventually look after you if you deplete your retirement savings due to being wedged between two dependent generations. Meet with your financial planner and ensure that your long-term plan for your second chapter includes a fulfilling life for yourself plus provision for any long-term care needs. It is possible to navigate complex situations that balance your responsibilities and financial goals.

Congratulations to our Olympic champions Thu, 15 Aug 2024 04:14:44 +0000 Visit North West University press office

The Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the North-West University (NWU), Prof Bismark Tyobeka, has a message of congratulations for both the South African Olympic team and especially for NWU students Jo-Ané van Dyk and Bradley Nkoana, who both bagged silver medals in Paris.

“We thank the South African Olympic team for flying our flag high at the Olympic Games Paris 2024. We are pleased with the overall efforts and performance of the team.

“Our heartiest congratulations to two North-West University (NWU) students, Jo-Ané van Dyk (javelin) and Bradley Nkoana (4x100m relay), for their spectacular performance and achievements in winning silver medals. I also want to congratulate the other athletes from the NWU who attended the games. They were Elroy Gelant, Benjamin Richardson, Rogail Joseph, Brian Raats, Adrian Swart, Ethan Olivier and Jean Verster, who served as team manager.

“Winning an Olympic medal is the pinnacle of a career in athletics, symbolising years of dedication and perseverance. It is a moment of immense pride and a testament to an athlete’s hard work and talent. For us as the NWU, these medals elevate our institution’s global standing, showcasing our commitment to nurturing world-class athletes. These accomplishments also inspire fellow students and other athletes and foster a culture of excellence.

“We know that these victories bring pride to our country, unite the nation in celebration, and place it on the global sporting map. Achievements like these are crucial for our nation-building efforts. Former President Mandela once stated: ‘Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to unite in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination. The heroes sport creates are examples of this power. They are valiant, not only on the playing field but also in the community, spreading hope and inspiration to the world.’

“Once again, on behalf of the NWU community, hearty congratulations to Jo-Ané, Bradley and all NWU students, staff and alumni who were part of the Olympic Games Paris 2024. We look forward to welcoming all of you back in South Africa and at the NWU.

“Thank you for representing us excellently.”

Prof Mzubanzi Bismark Tyobeka

Principal and Vice-Chancellor

See the future with Apromore, CIBA Industries Thu, 08 Aug 2024 09:12:56 +0000 When in the process of making people, process and technology decisions, a predictive process monitoring and simulation add-on tool adds foresight to future-proofing – here’s how it’s serving intelligent automation to African businesses.

With 93% of business leaders in agreement that their operating models can’t keep pace with constant change, having the ability to predict and optimise is a game-changer. Apromore, which positions itself as a leading AI-driven process mining and simulation tool, is making this possible for African enterprises through its partnership with CIBA Industries.

“This advance in IA (intelligent automation) gives business leaders a simple way to simulate different ‘what-if’ scenarios, allowing them to test the impact of changes before implementing them,” says Founder and Managing Director of CIBA Industries, Sean Ammon. “Corporations are finding this useful in today’s fast-paced environment where agility and foresight are critical to keep them competitive.”

The tool is recognised as a leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Process Mining and backed by Salesforce.

Transformative power of simulation

Apromore is an advanced insight engine, enabling businesses to visualise, analyse, simulate and predict the outcomes of their processes, explains Ammon.

The platform is designed to democratise process mining, offering a no-code, fast-to-deploy solution that allows users to reconstruct actual processes from transactional data with a single click. “This capability helps businesses identify performance gaps, define key performance indicators (KPIs) and optimise operations before taking a decision forward.”

Bringing Apromore to Africa

CIBA is well positioned to bring this transformative tool to businesses across the continent. With a deep understanding of the local market, proven experience in unlocking IA for large organisations and a commitment to being at the forefront of innovation through robotics process automation and artificial intelligence (AI), CIBA has plugged in local corporations from the financial services and media sectors to this business decision simulator.

Apromore is brilliant for enhancing your customer experience, adds Ammon. It can also be used to anticipate potential customer complaints or delays in service, allowing businesses to take pre-emptive action to prevent negative experiences. This level of insight is invaluable for customer-facing and service-intensive organisations looking to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction.

One significant application of the tool in South Africa was for a major media house, where it was used to simulate the outcome of proposed call centre changes. By predicting customer interactions and their likely responses, along with task bottlenecks, the company was able to sidestep potential customer service issues and enhance overall satisfaction. This proactive approach demonstrates its ability to not only enhance customer experience but also to prevent operational frictions that could disrupt business continuity.

Risk management and optimisation

Other benefits of predictive capabilities are improved and proactive risk management, resource allocation optimisation and the end-to-end process transparency required for identifying inefficiencies, monitoring KPIs and ensuring compliance across organisations. Ultimately, it’s the predictable outcomes that drive absolute value over the line for any business.

“Whether you’re a large enterprise or small business owner, your entity can be an intelligent enterprise leader. Apromore offers the insights and capabilities to transform how you operate, helping you achieve greater efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction and stay competitive. Any business can not only keep pace with change, but stay ahead of it, using predictive insights to shape their future with confidence,” Ammon concludes.

Are you ready to see your future? CIBA is ready to simulate yours with you, using the insight engine that drives intelligent enterprises of consistent process performance. 

Internationally acclaimed pharmaceutical business leader receives honorary doctorate Mon, 05 Aug 2024 06:49:09 +0000 Visit North West University press office

The North-West University (NWU) bestowed an honorary doctorate on internationally renowned pharmaceutical business leader and NWU alumnus Jannie Oosthuizen on Friday, 2 August.

Oosthuizen is recognised for his exceptional contributions to and significant standing in the international health sector, where he is considered a key role player.

“This is an unbelievable honour that the NWU and its Council have bestowed on me. The work I have done over the last three decades and the opportunity I had to make a difference in the lives of communities and patients around the world really came together in this recognition. I am forever grateful to the university,” he says.

Known for his insights into and knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry, he is frequently quoted in the media and invited to serve on panels as an expert speaker. His expertise spans the pharmaceutical product pipeline and targets, health economics, value evidence and support and innovative reward systems. He is also deeply committed to conserving the environment.

Oosthuizen has spearheaded various initiatives in support of young researchers, motivating them to discover the limitless possibilities of organic chemistry.

At the pinnacle of an exceptional career

His career in the industry spans three decades of excellence at various pharmaceutical companies. Since 2022, Oosthuizen has been the president of MSD Human Health in the United States, the largest business globally for MSD, a leading research-intensive biopharmaceutical company. He also represents global human health on the MSD executive team as an executive officer of the company. 

Oosthuizen is highly influential from a governance and policy perspective, spending significant time on price and reimbursement policy with governments to ensure environments that support and reward innovation.

His visionary leadership was instrumental in the successful launch of Keytruda, a cancer immunotherapy and MSD’s top-selling product (generating $25 billion in revenue in 2023 and reaching over two million people worldwide to date).

For the full article in English as well as more photos, follow the link here:

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Institute of Internal Auditors South Africa launches Leaders Circle for chief audit executives in SA Fri, 02 Aug 2024 11:00:46 +0000 The IIA SA proudly launches the Leaders Circle, a premium product tailored for chief audit executives and audit committee members to be effective in their roles.

The Institute of Internal Auditors South Africa (IIA SA) is proud to launch the Leaders Circle. The Leaders Circle, previously known as Executive Leaders Network, or ELN, has been developed to assist chief audit executives (CAEs) and other audit leaders to achieve their goals, meet and exceed the demands placed on them and support their efforts in their capacity as trusted and strategic advisors in their organisations.

In an increasingly uncertain, complex and ambiguous business environment, CAEs need to ensure they keep informed of important issues and stay connected with peers who understand and face the same challenges in internal audit functions today. The Leaders Circle is an exclusive platform for CAEs where tools, resources, information and topic discussions are accessible at their fingertips to keep them at the leading edge of the internal audit profession. As leaders of the internal audit profession, CAEs are provided with an exclusive service to remain on top of the game.

With the rapid changes influencing the performance of businesses today, the Leaders Circle was developed to support CAEs in addressing the demands placed on them by such changes. The Leaders Circle empowers its subscribers through providing exclusive access to:

  • IIA SA membership subscription.
  • Membership subscription to the IIA International Audit Leaders Network.
  • Personalised member service.
  • Access to the LexisNexis Regulatory Library.
  • Access to the Corporate Governance Body of Knowledge.
  • An opportunity for the CAE profile/the profile of the internal audit function to be featured in an IIA SA publication.
  • Free advertising of internal audit vacancies in IIA SA publications.
  • Regular leadership dialogue sessions.
  • An opportunity to mentor a young IIA SA professional/s.
  • An opportunity to be hosted on an IIA SA podcast.
  • Annual key stakeholder VIP dinner with the IIA SA CEO, guest speaker and fellow leaders on the programme.
  • Special discount for annual conference registration.

In addition to these benefits, members of the Leaders Circle also receive complimentary access to The IIA’s Internal Audit Benchmark Hub that includes benchmarking data from more than 800 CAE respondents from around the globe. The data can now be accessed through a dynamic dashboard in a user-friendly interface that allows you to filter by several categories for customised results. New responses will be added every quarter, and older responses will gradually be removed, ensuring an up-to-date database. The survey on which the data is based was initiated in quarter 3 of 2023, and the data collection is continuous – we encourage all CAEs to contribute to the survey.

The IIA International Audit Leaders Network, formerly Executive Membership, has also recently been re-launched and is the essential resource for today’s CAE to network, benchmark and lead. Audit Leaders Network membership provides access to a community that facilitates distinctive professional development, an engaged peer group along with networking opportunities, solutions-based tools and training, and benchmarking data and reports.

The IIA International Audit Leaders Network offers:

Networking and education

  • CAE access to all executive networking, education, benchmarking reports and content.
  • Executive virtual roundtables and webinars.
  • Participation in CAE Forum at GAM Conference.
  • Executive exclusive luncheon at GAM Conference with featured speaker.
  • Access to executive exclusive lounge at GAM Conference.

Executive publications and news

  • Executive tools and templates.
  • Executive knowledge briefs.
  • CAE Bulletin Essential News for the Chief Audit Executive (bi-weekly).
  • The executive newsletter (monthly).

Exclusive discounts for executive members

  • A $400 discount to Vision University.
  • Private group training discounts.

Benchmarking tools and content for executives

  • “Pulse check” benchmarking reports (monthly).
  • Complimentary access to benchmarking reports.
  • Access to Peer Request and Quick Polls Reports.

CEO of IIA SA, Arlene-Lynn Volmink, states: “We are excited to launch this new service to audit leaders within South Africa. Our audit leaders are faced with unique challenges, and through this service, we can provide a resource and support hub as a one-stop shop as well as a safe haven to interact and share insights, challenges and solutions with peers.”
