/ 23 August 2024

From tea lady to MD – the power of self-belief

Material change: Bernie Molepo is the founder and managing director of Cosmopolitan Sourcing. Photo: Allaister Russel

As a tea lady, Bernie Molepo’s responsibilities at St Leger & Viney — a leading distributor of fabrics and materials for interior designers —were simple.  

“I used to serve them tea, then politely ask what else they needed. 

“They would ask for samples,” the 45-year-old Molepo recalls in an interview with the Mail & Guardian

“When I brought back the samples, I would then ask about the fabrics. I would ask about the different textures and where certain fabrics would be used.”

But Molepo’s ambitions were anything but simple. Her curiosity and eagerness to learn set her apart from the start. She saw an opportunity in every interaction, using her role as a stepping stone to gather invaluable knowledge about the textile industry.

Molepo’s inquisitive nature didn’t go unnoticed. She slowly but steadily climbed the ranks at the firm, moving from her initial position as tea lady to showroom assistant, consultant and, finally, showroom manager. 

“It was when I became a showroom assistant I realised there are many mechanics in this industry that I need to study and understand. That is when I decided to attend Design School Southern Africa,” Molepo says. 

Her time at the school was transformative and many of the concepts she encountered were already familiar to her due to her on-the-job learning at St Leger & Viney. 

“They would teach about textures and width. I would revert back to the showroom, where I learned about composition and style. 

“I loved being there; I felt like I belonged,” she reflects.

Molepo’s dedication to her education and career paid off and she found herself deeply embedded in the world of fabrics and design. 

Her journey is a quintessential South African one. Originally from Limpopo, her career aspirations seemed limited to traditional roles for women. “I did not know anything about this industry until I came to Johannesburg. All I knew was I could be a teacher, nurse or police officer,” she recalls. 

“So, coming to Joburg and meeting new people, you realise that there are so many opportunities to be anything you want — fulfil your calling,” she explains. 

Two decades on, she was ready to take on bigger challenges. Last month, Molepo officially launched Cosmopolitan Sourcing, a pioneering woman-owned fabric and wallpaper sourcing company, with her at its helm as managing director.

“I never thought I would work with major players in the hospitality industry and design industry,” Molepo says. “Here I am today, celebrating the launch of my own company, finding my place in the industry as a strong black woman.” 

The launch of Cosmopolitan Sourcing marked a new chapter in Molepo’s career. Selecting a name was a significant step. 

After some deliberation with St Leger & Viney CEO David Ralph, Molepo decided on a name that resonated with her aspirations.

“I told David that I wanted a company that is going to be relevant and have a chic name. 

“When someone sees the name, they don’t even know it is owned by a black woman,” she laughs. 

Starting a new venture is never easy: “I have to be honest, one of my biggest fears is rejection. 

“However, the need for this to work and be successful is much greater. 

“It is a tough industry; one day clients want to talk to you and the next day they do not answer your emails — so [you just have to] keep going.”

Cosmopolitan Sourcing is a legacy for Molepo’s two children.

“I want to show them that it is possible; anything you dream of can become a possibility. It looks impossible until you do it,” she says about her inspirational journey.

The company will specialise in supplying fabrics for luxury safari lodges, hotels, restaurants, resorts and other hospitality establishments.

“I am constantly inspired by the power of fabrics and wallpapers to transform spaces,” says Molepo. 

“I simply love working with interior designers and architects, bringing together people, places and fabric and working together to curate unforgettable interiors.”

Her journey from a tea lady to the managing director of her own company is a source of inspiration for many aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly women and people of colour. 

It showcases the transformative power of education, mentorship, and self-belief.

Molepo’s rise in the textile industry is a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of hard work and determination. 

Her story is a celebration of South African resilience and a call to dream big and work tirelessly towards those dreams. 

From her humble beginnings to her current role as a trailblazing entrepreneur, Molepo embodies the spirit of perseverance and ambition. Cosmopolitan Sourcing stands as a testament to her journey and a symbol of what is possible when one dares to dream and works relentlessly to achieve those dreams.