/ 13 September 2024

Nominations are open for M&G Greening the Future awards

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The Mail & Guardian’s Greening the Future nominations are now open. The awards celebrate people, projects and organisations that champion environmental concerns and make our world a better, greener place. 

The awards were first launched in 1998 to acknowledge those who have dedicated their work, and much of their lives, to preserving our planet for future generations. 

The theme for this year is “Crowning Our Green Champions”. Categories are:  agriculture, biodiversity, green design, green finance and business, mining, renewable energy and clean air, waste management and water and ocean conservation. 

The event coincides with the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 29, to be held in November in Baku, Azerbaijan. The theme of this year’s event is “In Solidarity for a Green World”. 

The Greening the Future winners will be announced at an event on 21 November, with a print and online supplement published on 22 November.

The closing date for nominations is 18 October 2024. Click here to nominate a green champion. 

The list of last year’s winners can be viewed here