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Felicity Guest

Law & Justice

In 2011 Felicity Guest went through a divorce that left her trying to secure financial support for her children, one of whom has special needs and requires lifelong support. The experience led her to realise that there is little justice for women in the legal system, so she gave up her business to create a platform to help other women going through similar situations. She founded Child Maintenance Difficulties in South Africa (CMDSA) in 2014, which now has more than 86 000 members.

Her research showed that withholding maintenance money is often used as a punishment, and that more than 60% of women get no financial support from their former spouses. This is a form of abuse that traps women in poverty and contributes to gender inequality.

Felicity now monitors trends, submits reports and escalates problematic cases for victims, collaborating with the department of women, youth, persons with disabilities and the department of justice. She also influences legislation and policy on coercive controlling behaviour and economic and financial abuse, including the National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide. She has developed training workshops for corporations to create safer workspaces, and sits on the International Forum for Economic Abuse, for which she is building an African chapter. 

Felicity Guest (Pty) Ltd

  • Internationally Accredited Financial Abuse Specialist, Standards International

Making maintenance, economic and financial abuse more mainstream, holding the government accountable and changing narratives.