Power Of Women Top

Kgaugelo Mogapi

Mining & Manufacturing


Kgaugelo Mogapi says she is a serial entrepreneur, a public speaker and a writer. She is the managing director of Kele Engineering and Construction. Her job entails overseeing the front and back end of development projects, maintaining relationships with internal and external stakeholders, working with management and production teams, monitoring internal systems for performance and reliability, and developing the business to secure more projects.

Kgaugelo has been an entrepreneur from a young age, is creative, has an insane work ethic and has always wanted to run her own business. She is interested in job creation and curbing high levels of employment. Kgaugelo says giving back and paying forward led to the birth of Kele Engineering and Construction. She is big on corporate social investment. In the six years that the company has been operating, bursaries have been given to a number of people who did not have the means to further their studies. T

he company has also employed artisans on an apprenticeship programme so they can get work experience. And it has assisted start-ups with funding to enable them to run their businesses.

Additionally the company has donated wheelchairs to paraplegic children. Kele Engineering and Construction also tries to ensure that it buys its equipment from local suppliers.

Kele Engineering and Construction

  • Masters, University of Johannesburg

Kgaugelo says her greatest achievement so far is when Kele and Construction was nominated as a finalist in the African Business Mining Awards of 2023 after its expansion and growth in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.