Power Of Women Top

Mantsie Hlakudi



Mantsie Hlakudi is a chief engineer at the National Transmission Company of South Africa (NTCSA). She is registered with the Engineering Council of South Africa and is a certified electrical engineer with over 12 years of experience, specialising in distribution and transmission, specialised plant equipment failure investigations, power lines, technical performance, renewable power plants, and transformers and reactors.

Her mission is to empower women and the youth, to which end she mentors high school students and young professionals in the engineering field. She is a member of the Pfuxani Stem Foundation, which aims to increase the numbers of learners following STEM careers.

The list of accolades she has won for her outstanding contributions to the field of electrical engineering from Eskom, the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE) and other institutes is lengthy.

Mantsie is chairperson for the SAIEE Central Gauteng Centre and is a transmission lead champion for the NTCSA’s Eskom Women Advancement Programme.

She is a member of the Cigre Study Committee A2, and is a Cigre advisory board member. Cigre (the International Council on Large Electric Systems ) is a collaborative global community committed to the creation and sharing of power system expertise. 

National Transmission Company of South Africa (NTCSA)

  • Bsc Honours Electrical Engineering, University of Cape Town

I was the Accenture Rising Star 2021 Winner.