Power Of Women Top

Noxolo Siphilile Bhengu

Politics & Government


As the deputy international secretary at labour federation Cosatu, Noxolo Siphilile Bhengu’s job involves advancing international solidarity in the labour movement and driving policies that protect and enhance workers’ rights globally. She works with international labour organisations, participates in global forums and ensures the voices of South African workers are heard on international platforms.

Her work includes developing strategies that align Cosatu’s objectives with the broader global labour movement and supporting initiatives that strengthen its international partnerships.

Noxolo’s passion for workers’ rights was sparked by attending teachers’ union meetings with her mother while she was in high school. Noxolo has served on the National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union International Relations Committee for six years and led the Brics Trade Union Forum in 2023.

In addition, she advised the workers’ delegation at the 112th International Labour Conference in Geneva.

“I hope to leave a legacy where young girls know that, regardless of their background, they can dream big and nothing is impossible. But, overall, I hope to leave a legacy of strengthened international collaboration within the labour movement and lasting improvements in the rights and conditions of workers globally,” she says.


  • Bachelor of Arts — Political Science, UKZN
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences Honours — International Relations, UKZN
  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Project Management, Mancosa (current)
  • Bachelor of Laws final year, Unisa

For me, having found my passion as a teenager and having been able to follow it through, despite the challenges I have faced, is one of my biggest achievements. But one of the most recent ones is serving as the deputy international secretary at Cosatu, where I’ve had the opportunity to advance international solidarity and have a platform to influence the organised labour position.

A highlight is being appointed as the convenor of the coordinating team for the Brics Trade Union Forum in 2023. These roles allowed me to apply my academic background in international relations and political science, and also aligned with my passion for human and labour rights. Leading these significant international engagements has been a milestone for me.